Sue Holmes


Master Teacher Offering:

Individual Angelic Reiki treatments
Beginner to Practitioner level Angelic Reiki Workshops
Master level Angelic Reiki Workshops
Angelic Reiki Share/Development Groups
Talks on Angelic Reiki

Bristol elsewhere in the UK and internationally by invitation.

Contact Details:

Telephone: 07786 291967

Personal Bio:

I love sharing Angelic Reiki! It’s beautiful, simple yet very powerful. I always include Angelic Reiki in my healing sessions, as it opens up such a direct line to the heavenly realms.

I first trained in Usui Reiki in 1995, and became a teacher in India in 1998. Then I received Angelic Reiki and felt it was an ‘up-grade’. I trained to teacher (‘Master’) level in 2007 with the co-founders Kevin & Christine Core.

I am a Feng Shui & Space Clearing consultant, geomancer, shamanic healer and teacher. I like to teach in a way that is fun and empowering.