Rachel Avila-Cano Villanueva

Master Teacher Offering:

Individual Angelic Reiki treatments
Beginner to Practitioner level Angelic Reiki Workshops
Master level Angelic Reiki Workshops
Angelic Reiki Share/Development Groups
Talks on Angelic Reiki


South Texas as well as other areas of the USA and Mexico, Brazil and Peru by invitation.

Contact Details:

Email: thehealerstree.rachel@gmail.com
Facebook: The Healers Tree

Personal Bio:

I am a passionate Certified Usui/Karuna Reiki Master Teacher/Practitioner.   My Spiritual Journey led me to Certification in Frequencies of Brilliance (Upper Levels continue), Hypnosis, Spiritual Response Therapy Readings (Practitioner), Theta Healing, Hebrew Pendulum and I use a John of God Crystal Healing Bed as part of Healing work and this is the only one available in South Texas.