Michelle Kaye


Master Teacher Offering:

Individual Angelic Reiki treatments
Beginner to Practitioner level Angelic Reiki Workshops
Master level Angelic Reiki Workshops
Angelic Reiki Share/Development Groups
Talks on Angelic Reiki



Contact Details:

Telephone: 07900 038624
Email: shell.kaye@hotmail.co.uk

Personal Bio:

I was really drawn to Angelic Reiki over a year ago (2014) and it has become my absolute passion. I found myself really drawn for a while, and saw this as my calling. I first experienced an Angelic Reiki treatment, and knew I needed to get attuned to the beautiful Angelic kingdom of light. Ever since doing so, all I have ever wanted to do is share the beautiful energy with people. I found that not only has it changed my life, but also the people around me, in my life. I absolutely love to give treatments and also felt from the start, really drawn to teaching Angelic Reiki.

I also offer massage, Indian head massage and Hopi ear candling, and found that Angelic Reiki compliments these treatments wonderfully.

I’m really excited to share this wonderful, pure and blissful energy.