Maaike Saey

Master Teacher offering:

  • Individual Angelic Reiki treatments
  • Beginner to Practitioner level Angelic Reiki Workshops
  • Master level Angelic Reiki Workshops
  • Talks on Angelic Reiki

Location:   Halden, Norway, Scandanavia...Elsewhere on the Planet when invited

Telephone:    +47 41101908




“ I am not this hair,

I am not this skin,

I am the soul that lies within. “

– Rumi


I am Maaike...a Dutch snow angel in Norway...loving the sun...The light.... Reflecting in everything and from everyone....I feel joyful and inspired getting to know and share Angelic Reiki, a true passion of love & life. The presence of the angels always reminds me of the light I am ...we are. I believe that miracles happen every day....and that only we can let them happen...I love to spread the light by making people aware of their own power and ability to heal.....we are all a spark of the divine...made of why not shine brightly!