Lileyna Garcia Camargo

Master Teacher offering:

  • Individual Angelic Reiki treatments (Tratamientos Individuales)
  • Beginner to Practitioner level Angelic Reiki Workshops (Talleres de Reiki Ángélico 1 y 2 - nivel terapeuta)
  • Master level Angelic Reiki Workshops (Talleres de Reiki Ángélico 3 y 4 nivel Maestría)
  • Angelic Reiki Share/Development groups (Grupos de práctica e intercambio de Reiki Angélico)
  • Talks on Angelic Reiki (Charlas sobre Reiki Angélico)

Location:      Mexico City and in other Spanish speaking countries such as Spain and Colombia by invitation

Tel:                    +52 55 2683 1119


Email: and


I am the Founder and Guardian of Pulso Alquímico®.

My passion is in working with the light connections that accompany us as human beings.

I collaborate in government and private initiative projects focused on the restructuring of social consciousness and human empowerment at an economic level.

I also offer sessions with sacred oils and quantum technologies: Sirian Numerology, Rose Healing, Gnostic Astrology.