Helen Court


Master Teacher offering:

  • Individual Angelic Reiki treatments
  • Beginner to Practitioner level Angelic Reiki Workshops
  • Master level Angelic Reiki Workshops
  • Angelic Reiki Share/Development Groups
  • Talks on Angelic Reiki

Location:     Perth, Western Australia and elsewhere in Australia and England by invitation

Tel:                    61 434098447

Web:               www.helenfrances.com.au

Email:          Helen-court@hotmail.com

Helen runs a Spiritual business that she operates full time, where she works as a Psychic/Medium and an Angelic Master Teacher/Healer, Theta Healer and Hypnosis practitioner.

Helen is currently busy studying her accreditation with the SNU for evidential mediumship, while she operates her full time Spiritual business. Helen is very institutive and uses her psychic senses in her healing and her readings. Helen is very dedicated to her work and acts is a caring, passionate manner with her clients.