Cyvarn Robinson

Master Teacher offering:

  • Individual Angelic Reiki treatments
  • Beginner to Practitioner level Angelic Reiki Workshops
  • Master level Angelic Reiki Workshops

Location:      Redland Bay and elsewhere in Australia and internationally by invitation

Tel:                   0424261326


Kia ora, Hello, Namaste beautiful souls.

On my journey of self discovery while being a stay at home mum I had the realisation that I wanted to do Reiki. I was not clear on what sort of reiki I wanted to learn so I just let it sit. One day I liked a business advertising page on Facebook and felt the urge to scroll it.
I have always been drawn to everything about angels. As soon as I saw the Angel wings advertising the Angelic Reiki course I knew I had to see what this was about. I read all about it online, ordered a book about Angelic Reiki and read it within days. The Angels even played a little joke on me when I was reading this book and on one of the pages all I could see was 1111 all over the page, it made me giggle. I have had a very strong connection to this Angel number on my journey of remembering.
After reading all about Angelic Reiki my heart was set on getting to the Master Teacher level.
When I browsed through our Master Teacher manual on our first day of the Master Teacher weekend I knew without a doubt that this level was for me. I received a soul gift that weekend that made me realise how powerful we all are and the power of the divine love that is available to all of us. We are all such awesome  magical beings. May you remember your magic.

I would love to and I would be privileged and honoured to be able to be a part of your journey of self discovery.🙏❤️🌈🪽