Clare Sophia Voyant

Master Teacher Offering:

Individual Angelic Reiki treatments
Beginner to Practitioner level Angelic Reiki Workshops
Master level Angelic Reiki Workshops
Angelic Reiki Share/Development Groups
Talks on Angelic Reiki


Wirral, Liverpool and elsewhere in UK and Ireland and USA by invitation.

Contact Details:

Telephone: 07450 271552

About Clare:

I have a strong connection to Angels, and they have been lifelong allies of mine. I work with both Angels and my spirit guides in mediumship, and I combine them with my deep love of nature in my Reiki. My Tarot and Oracle card readings are informed by my Angel communication as well as my mediumship skills and my Reiki training.
I am an Angel Intuitive, an Advanced Angel Tarot Reader, an Usui Reiki Master Teacher, an Angelic Reiki Master Teacher, and a Flower Therapy Practitioner.